The digital version of the November 2015 RV Service Net BULLETIN is now available on WBCCI Amateur Radio Club’s official RV Service Net’s Web page. You can click on the MEMBERS ONLY menu option to see it ONLY if you are a member of the RV Service Net and you have the new password for 2015-2016. If you are not a member, you can join today online. Please contact Member Services a if you are a member and your password is not working.

Editor Janice Lilley, KK4WNK, did a great job putting this issue of the BULLETIN together and the digital version is in color. Many members are helping the club save printing and postage costs by electing to receive the digital version of the BULLETIN online.
If you elected to receive a printed copy of the BULLETIN, it will be on its way to your QTH in the next couple of weeks.