Preambles & Closing Announcement for East Coast 40 Meter RV Service Net


Good morning, this is: (your call), your NET CONTROL STATION for the Eastern & Central International Recreational Vehicle Service Net. On the air since 1963, this net operates at 7.191MHz from 7 AM to 9 AM Eastern Time, 7 days a week excepting major contest weekends.


This net is one of FOUR sponsored by the Wally Byam Airstream Club and is open to all appropriately- licensed amateur radio operators.


You can find further details and a membership application on our site by searching for RV Service Net and following the link. We encourage you to join the club to attend our net rallies and to receive our newsletter.


My name is (your name) again, my call is (your call.) I am located (your city & state) where the weather at my location is __________.


Do we have any traffic or announcements? (PAUSE and acknowledge any responses)


We give priority to mobiles, people camping in their RVs and to those stations who need to get in and out quickly.


Short timers stand by. Mobiles and those in RVs only, check in now.  (PAUSE and acknowledge any responses)


 Short Timers come now? (PAUSE and acknowledge any responses)


Do we have any Regular check ins? (PAUSE and acknowledge any responses)

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This has been a session of the International RV Service Net, sponsored by the Amateur Radio Club of the Airstream Club International since 1963.  We operate on 7.191 MHz from 0700 to 0900 Eastern Time every day except on weekends with phone contests.  We invite you to join the net on our website,  This is {your call letters} second hour net control station.  73’s to all.

Other 40-meter RV Service Nets:

Pacific Coast 40-meter Net: Monday – Friday   Freq: 7.2685 MHz. Times: 0900-1000 PT with early checkin starting at 0830 PT

Rocky Mountain 40-meter Net: Monday – Friday. Freq:   7.184 MHz Time: 0630 – 0830 MT

RV Service Net on EchoLink: Wednesday at 8 p.m. (Eastern) on the FMCA ARC node.

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  1. If no one checks in for a while, call “check-ins, check-ins, you don’t have to be a member, anyone anywhere” or slowly read a sentence or two from the preamble to attract participants.
  2. If you still don’t receive check-ins, ask another station if they will help as relays and they can call for check-ins to the net.
  3. If you have more than you can handle at the end of the first hour, pass them along in your hand-off to the second hour. These become priority check-ins for the next hour, after mobiles & RVers.
  4. Delay briefly before keying down after someone signs or calls “back to net” to avoid doubling with check-ins and to allow for hellos. Waiting an extra few seconds helps to catch tail-end check-in as well.
  5. Try to avoid “dead air”.
  6. If you know beforehand that you will be unable to cover your shift, contact other NCOs to see if they can cover for you. Contact info including telephone numbers is available on the NCO ONLY page on the website. Only if that fails, contact the regional net manager for assistance.
  7. Buddy up with one or two other NCO’s or Subs to cover each other regularly when necessary.
  8. If you have taken a list of “early birds” they would start the list of regular check-ins if they didn’t already check in as a mobile, RVer or sort timer.


1) If you cannot fill your session for any reason, try contacting another NCS or substitute NCS and see if he or she will cover your shift. The Eastern/Central Net Admin-NCS STATIONS ONLY page on this Web site has contact information for potential substitute NCS operators

2) If that fails contact Steve, K4OBL interim net manager for Eastern/Central WBCCI net. His cell is 321-223-6460. His email is

3) First hour net control operators start the count with number one. At the end of your shift pass along to the second hour net control the “next up” number. Second hour net control, should the first hour net control forget to pass along the “next up” number please ask him/her for it. While we don’t carry over log-ins from first to second hour we do carry over the number count.

Updated  5 October 2024 – Comments? Questions? Updates?