Preambles & Closing Announcement for East Coast 40 Meter RV Service Net


Good morning, this is {your call letters} net control station for the first hour of the International Recreational Vehicle Service Net.  This net began in 1963 and operates on 7.191 MHz from 0700 to 0900 ET every day except on weekends with major phone contests.  It is one of three 40-meter nets and an EchoLink net sponsored by the Amateur Radio Club of the Airstream Club International.   We welcome all check-ins—you don’t have to be a member of the Airstream Club or have an RV.  We encourage you to join the net to enjoy our net rallies and to receive our newsletter.  You can join on our website at, or you can search the Internet by typing in RV Service Net and following the link.  My name is ___________and my call is ____________.  I’m located in _______________where the weather is __________________.

Before I begin taking check-ins, does anyone have traffic or an announcement?  (PAUSE and acknowledge any responses)

This net gives priority to mobiles in motion, short timers, stations operating from RVs, and portable stations, recognizing that their time may be short.  Do we have any mobiles in motion?  (PAUSE) and acknowledge any responses   Any short timers?  (PAUSE and acknowledge any responses)  Any RV stations?  (PAUSE and acknowledge any responses).  Any portable stations?  (PAUSE and acknowledge any responses)

As I continue the net, I will pause periodically for new check-ins.  Regular check-ins, come now.


Good morning, this is {your call letters}  net control station for the second hour of the International Recreational Vehicle Service Net.  This net began in 1963 and operates on 7.191 MHz from 0700 to 0900 ET every day except on weekends with major phone contests.  It is one of three 40-meter nets sponsored by the Amateur Radio Club of the Airstream Club International.   We welcome all check-ins—you don’t have to be a member of the Airstream Club or have an RV.  We encourage you to join the net to enjoy our net rallies and to receive our newsletter.  You can join on our website at, or you can search the Internet by typing in RV Service Net and following the link.  My name is ___________and my call is ____________.  I’m located in _______________where the weather is __________________.

Before I begin taking check-ins, does anyone have any traffic or an announcement?  (PAUSE)

This net gives priority to mobiles in motion, short timers, stations operating from RVs, and portable stations, recognizing that their time may be short.  Do we have any mobiles in motion?  (PAUSE and acknowledge any responses)   Any short times?  (PAUSE and acknowledge any responses ) Any RV stations?  (PAUSE and acknowledge any responses).  Any portable stations?  (PAUSE and acknowledge any responses)

As I continue the net, I will pause periodically for new check-ins.  Regular check-ins come now.



This has been a session of the International RV Service Net, sponsored by the Amateur Radio Club of the Airstream Club International since 1963.  We operate on 7.191 MHz from 0700 to 0900 ET every day except on weekends with phone contests.  We invite you to join the net on our website,  This is {your call letters}  second hour net control station.  73’s to all.

Other 40-meter RV Service Nets:

Pacific Coast 40-meter Net: Monday – Friday   Freq: 7.2685 MHz. Times: 0900-1000 PT with early checkin starting at 0830 PT

Rocky Mountain 40-meter Net: Monday – Friday. Freq:   7.184 MHz Time: 0630 – 0830 MT

RV Service Net on EchoLink: Wednesday at 8 p.m. (Eastern) on the FMCA ARC node.

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1) If you cannot fill your session for any reason, try contacting another NCS or substitute NCS and see if he or she will cover your shift. The Eastern/Central Net Admin-NCS STATIONS ONLY page on this Web site has contact information for potential substitute NCS operators

2) If that fails call Sam, WA4ICK, net manager for Eastern/Central WBCCI net. His cell is 423-886-4720. His email is

3) First hour net control operators start the count with number one. At the end of your shift pass along to the second hour net control the “next up” number. Second hour net control, should the first hour net control forget to pass along the “next up” number please ask him/her for it. While we don’t carry over log-ins from first to second hour we do carry over the number count.

Updated  12 July 2024 – Comments? Questions? Updates?