Club officers elected at the 2017 Annual Meeting

Members of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International’s (WBCCI) Amateur Radio Club elected officers for 2016-2017 at its annual business meeting. The meeting was held this year in Lewisburg, West Virginia, on July 27, 2017.

Newly elected club officers are:

  • President – Steve Padgett, K4NM
  • 1st Vice President – Jeff Dalrymple, N5YEI
  • 2nd Vice President – Don Williams, KD6UVT
  • 3rd Vice President – Ernie Bauer, N1AEW
  • Secretary/Treasurer – Doug Hart, N1JBG
  • Recording Secretary -John Green, W9CJX
  • Director and Immediate Past President – Bruce Fried, K5YXN
  • Director –Joel Ware, KD7QKK

The WBCCI Amateur Radio Club sponsors the RV Service Net.

Left-to-right: Bruce Fried (K5YXN), Jeff Dalrymple (N5YEI), Don Williams (KD6UVT), Steve Padgett (K4NM), Ernie Bauer (N1AEW), Doug Hart (N1JBG), John Green (W9CJX)
Added  28 July 2017 – Comments? Questions? Updates?