Dwight Bonifield (W8TJT) named new Director of the Rocky Mountain RV Service

Dwight, W8TJT
Sam Haynes

Sam Haynes (WA4ICK), Director of the RV Service Nets, announced that Dwight Bonifield (W8TJT) will serve as the new manager of the 40 meter Rocky Mountain RV Service Net effective December 31, 2021. This net meets Monday – Friday from 6:30 until 8:00 a.m. Mountain Time on 7184 kHz.

Vernon, KA5GBK

Sam thanked retiring net manager Vernon Ebner (KA5GBK) for his many years of leadership of the Rocky Mountain RV Service Net and said he looked forward to working with Dwight (W8TJT) as he moves into this important role.

Dwight, W8TJT


___________________ Updated  13 December 2021 – Comments? Questions? Updates?