Amateur Radio Club of the WBCCI President Jim Johnson (WW7N) announced that a trial run of a new digital RV Service Net using EchoLink is in operation. EchoLink is a robust and mature system that connects mostly to VHF, UHF and higher repeaters and simplex stations via the Internet. Verified and registered licensed Amateur Radio operators holding a Technician class license or higher (or the international equivalent) are able to login from their smartphones and participate in QSOs on select repeaters and simplex stations around the world.
Normal FCC requirements for station ID and operation apply when using EchoLink nodes, as well as operating within your license class, which is almost always Technician. Hams wanting to register with EchoLink must upload an official copy of their licenses to EchoLink.org in order to be allowed to log into the system and transmit on a connected repeater or link.
Stan Patterson (KK4PF) and others suggested that the ARC WBCCI/RV Service Net sponsor a new net that would be aimed toward Technicians and others without HF capabilities.
The experimental net is meeting at 7 pm (Central Time) on Stan’s EchoLink/Allstar node KK4PF-L, Echolink #: 550195, Allstar # 53817. You can find the node any of these three ways or by searching for KK4PF in your smartphone’s EchoLink app.