Members of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International’s (WBCCI) Amateur Radio Club elected officers for 2022-2023 at its annual business meeting in Fryeburg, Maine during the 65th International Rally for the Airstream Club.
Newly elected club officers are:
- President – Roger Peeples, KD6FBF
- 1st VP – Robert Bolling, KW4DT
- 2nd VP – Stan Patterson, KK4PF
- 3rd VP – Position Open
- Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary – Ernie Bauer, N4AEW
- Recording Secretary – Dan Zile, WB0YMQ
- Director (Term ending 2023) –Bob Caldwell, VA6RV
- Director (Term ending 2024) –Jim Johnson, WW7N
- Club Advisor / Parliamentarian – Jim Cocke, N5RTG
- Silent Key Manager – Bruce Fried, K5YXN
- Webmaster – Steve Padgett, K4NM
- ARRL Liaison – Jim Johnson, WW7N
The WBCCI Amateur Radio Club sponsors the RV Service Nets.
Congratulations to Eric McHenry (AA6EM) as he was elected the President of the Airstream Club International at the Fryeburg ACI International Rally.