Newly Elected ARC WBCCI Officers for 2024-2025 Installed at Annual Business Meeting

Stan Patterson, KK4PF

The elected slate of 2024-2025 of officers for the Wally Byam Caravan Club International’s (WBCCI) Amateur Radio Club were installed during the Club’s annual business meeting.

Newly elected club officers are:

  • President – Stan Patterson, KK4PF
  • 1st VP – Priscilla Harrell, K3FFF
  • 2nd VP – James Swanson, KQ6OU
  • Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary – Mike Harkness. KE8YSD
  • Recording Secretary – Mary Ellen Deegan, K9MED
  • Director (Term ending 2025) –Roger Peeples, KD6FBF
  • Director (Term ending 2026) –Robert Bolling, KW4DT


  • Club Advisor / Parliamentarian – Jim Cocke, N5RTG
  • Silent Key Manager – Bruce Fried, K5YXN
  • Webmaster – Steve Padgett, K4NM
  • ARRL Liaison – Jim Johnson, WW7N
  • Newsletter Editor – Janice Lilly, KK4WNK
  • Director of Nets – Sam Haynes, WA4ICK
  • Manager of the Eastern/Central RV Service Net – Sam Haynes, WA4ICK
  • Manager of the Rocky Mountain RV Service Net – Bill Carlson, N6SGX
  • Manager of the Pacific RV Service Net – Dave Tulloss, K7DRT
  • Manager of the EchoLink RV Service Net – Jim Johnson, WW7N

The WBCCI Amateur Radio Club sponsors the RV Service Nets.

Posted  17 August 2024 – Comments? Questions? Updates?