Terry Redding (W6LMJ) passed away on Saturday, January 4, 2025. He was a member of the RV Service Nets and was 76 years old.
Terry was a Vietnam Veteran and serviced as a commissioned officer in the U. S. Army. He sponsored a series of MARS stations while serving in Vietnam allowing the men and women assigned there to call home.
Terry said that astronomy and amateur radio have been his passions since a very early age. Both can be done with or without equipment by reading and joining clubs.
The very first scientific observation he engaged in was watching for Sputnik as it passed over my boyhood home in Torrance, California. Since then he has combined the two hobbies, listening to early AMSAT signals, making contact with the Space Shuttle via amateur radio, later the International Space Station, and finally, assisting Russians to conduct a plasma plume experiment. That final event used packet radio broadcasts from the International Space Station monitored by amateur radio ground stations to assess whether firing a plasma engine on the space station would interfere with space-to-ground communications.
Terry maintain both an observatory and a ham radio station. He held an Extra Class Amateur Radio license.
Terry lived in De Leon Springs Florida. His wife Barbara and their five children earned Amateur Radio licenses.
Posted 14 January 2025 – Comments? Questions? Updates?