RV Service Nets have a new Web address

The WBCCI Amateur Radio Club and the RV Service Nets have a new home on the World Wide Web. A recent discussion on the 40 meter Eastern/Central RV Service Net concluded that the old URL was difficult for many net control operators to say over-the-air. This started a quick discussion among the club’s officers, who quickly approved moving to a new address.

The new address is:


This should be easier to both say and understand over the air.

Currently, both our new rvnet.wbcci.net and old rvsvcnet.wbcci.net addresses work for the club. We are putting together a migration plan with the WBCCI Electronic Communication Committee to help make the complete move as seamless as possible.

The new address is active and can be shared with everyone.

Added  19 October 2015 – Comments? Questions? Updates?