
WBCCI Amateur Radio Club’s RV Service Net Links:

Pacific RV Service Net – Pacific RV Service Net at 7.272 mHz

Selected links related to amateur radio and/or RVs:

AE7Q’s Amateur Radio Data Base – Looking for a new call? Start here!

Airstream Club International

APRS callsign lookup

American Radio Relay League

ARRL’s LoTW – Logbook of the World

Buckmaster Call Sign Database

Callbook Archive – Callbooks going back to 1916

Contest Calendar

Dogpark Software – Ham radio software for Macintosh computers and iPads

D-STAR Information

DX Zone

EHam  – Articles, Classifieds, and User Reviews on Amateur Radio stuff


FCC’s Amateur Radio Page

FMCA (Site suggested by NE3A)

FT-8 Reception Reports

Ham Universe (site suggested by N4UJW)

K0BG’s site for Mobile Hams – (Site suggested by K0BG)

Mac Ham Radio – Using a Macintosh computer or iPad in the ham shack

MidCars Net

Navy MARS – (Site suggested by W4OHJ)

MFJ Enterprises (Holding a “Going out of Business” Sale)

Palm Beach Packet Group (Site suggested by KD2CK)

QRZ Call Sign Lookup Database

QRZ Practice Tests On-Line

Radio Amateurs of Canada (Site suggested by VE3YE)

RadioQTH Amateur Radio Vanity License Search

Repeater Book (Online free repeater directory)

RF Exposure Calculator

RV Radio Network (Site suggested by K4HM)

SATERN Net – Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network

South Cars (Site suggested by KD2CK)

Vacuum Tube Source

Web SDR (Software Defined Receiver) Online

WinLink Web Site – (Site suggested by K4CJX)

World Radio History (AM Radio Station Contours)



If you find any links broken or want to suggest additional links, please email the WBCCI ARC RV Service Net Webmaster

Revised 12 July  2024 – Comments? Questions? Updates?

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