We have a badge supplier for the other RV Service Nets and the WBCCI Amateur Radio Club and you’ll like the badge appearance and the price. They are ready to serve up new or replacement badges for our members. Our club’s artwork is already in their badge machine. We’ve received two examples of their recent badges. They look good! The badges are white background with our logo in blue and red and the lettering in dark blue. The corners are curved.
You can choose either pin back or magnet back. We recommend the magnetic backs instead of pins although you might want the pin for attaching to your hats.

Here’s the information for ordering your badges:
Place your order via the internet by emailing: bestbadgesplus@gmail.com this will find us wherever we are traveling. The payment can be made by phone with a credit card. On the order form, please add the customer cell or home phone #, and we will call them when the badges are completed and get the credit card information. All other information on the order form needs to be furnished. Thank you.
Cost of Your badges… $8.00
each with a Pin backing
Magnetic Pinless Option….. + $3.00
for each badge
Shipping and handling….. $4.00 – $5.00 (Depends on location)
(for up to four badges in one package)
Orders mailed to Florida address, please add 7% tax
(Note: Prices are subject to change. Please check with Best Badges Plus to confirm these prices are current.)