Welcome to the International RV Service Net, sponsored by the WBCCI Amateur Radio Club and affiliated with the ARRL. We are amateur radio operators traveling the country in RVs, hosting radio nets, or at least interested in RVing. We welcome all appropriately licensed hams to join us for our daily nets. You can see our nets schedules here for 40m Eastern/Central, 40m Rocky Mountain and 40m Pacific nets. In addition, the Club sponsors a net on EchoLink for Technicians and higher class licensees.

We enjoy keeping in touch with one another. We pass messages to our members out on the road. We host a number of rallies, allowing us to get together for face-face QSOs. In addition to this Internet site, our members receive our newsletter to bring more detailed information about our activities to the membership.
A non-profit organization sponsored by the Wally Byam Caravan Club International (WBCCI), the purposes of the club are: (1) service to the public, (2) furtherance of public welfare by relaying messages via ham radio in time of need and emergency, (3) promotion of education and interest in the sciences of amateur radio, and (4) promotion of fellowship and goodwill among all radio amateurs and the public.

If you are already a member, we hope this site helps you stay current about our Club. If you’re a visitor and have interests common to ours, we hope you’ll consider supporting our nets and joining us on the air on one of the nets listed in this schedule.
If you are a licensed ham and either travel in an RV or are interested in RVing, please consider joining the RV Service Net and helping support this friendly club. You can’t meet a friendlier or more welcoming net. You may be the operator we need to help relay a message to a member or friend on the road.It’s easy to join – see our membership application here.