Important message from the Director of Nets

Hello fellow hams, members of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International (WBCCI) Amateur Radio Club (ARC), and members of the various RV Service Nets sponsored by WBCCI ARC.

Back in April of this year, I sent out a query to everyone concerning interest in beginning a D-Star net.  I have received 39 responses in all, of which 19 indicated interest (and some with current capability) and 20 indicated no interest in getting D-Star equipment or participating in such a net.

Several folks were very uninformed about D-Star, and for them, I suggest a simple visit to Wikipedia:

This explanation will help.  I am not conversant about this technique, but do understand that ICOM is the only major manufacturer of D-Star radios; it seems to be a proprietary means of digital communication, both over the air and via internet where D-Star repeaters might not exist.

Also, ARRL has a publication that is good:

Unless we have adequate volunteers to set up, manage and operate a D-Star net, I cannot recommend to the officers of the ARC that we should begin such a net.  Several folks who responded to my April email did volunteer to help, but I need specific volunteers to be net manager and net control stations.  Also, we would need agreement on specific days/times.

Currently, our 40-meter nets seem to be vibrant and doing well.  Our two 20-meter nets have suffered from adverse propagation this summer, but, more importantly, do not have volunteers to be net managers.  Also net control stations are not available all five weekdays of operation.

For the 20-meter nets, on 14.3075 MHz, I have questioned the viability of two daily nets, one at 12 noon ET/9 am PT, and one at 5 pm ET/2 pm PT.  The original purpose for these nets to be sponsored by the Amateur Radio Club of WBCCI has long been superseded by cellular/mobile phones, and that was to keep up with WBCCI caravans as they traversed North America.  I believe that the ARC is willing to continue to sponsor these nets and to provide information exchange in the twice-yearly newsletter if we can sustain them.

So, I am asking those of you who do check into either of the 20-meter nets to send me an email and let me know the following:

  1. When/how often do you check in and which net, 12 noon ET or 5 pm ET?
  2. IF we were to reduce the nets to one time M-F, which time works better for you and which time doesn’t work at all for you?
  3. Would you be willing to be the net manager for one 20-meter net?
  4. Would you be willing to be a NCS on a particular day?  If so, which day is best for you?
  5. Would you be willing to be a substitute NCS if you cannot commit to a regular weekday?

Your input will effectively determine what we do about the D-Star potential and about the current 20-meter nets.  An informed decision is better than the alternative, so please speak up and give me your input.


Richard Paschall  AJ4UX

Added 14 September 2015 – Comments, Questions, Updates?